Christ Militant
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder:
the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet

Christ Militant in Scripture

Christ Militant is a mosaic that was commissioned by the Bishop Pietro II in 494-495. Ravenna at that time was the capital of the Roman Empire. The Bishop resided in the Archiepiscopal Palace of San Pietro Crisologoa. He had the Chapel of Saint Andrew built for his worship. Christ is dressed as a Roman Legionary. He wears a purple tunic, the symbol of royalty. He bears a cross on his shoulder. He is young and beardless. He holds the Gospel showing a passage from John 14:6 "I am the way, truth, and life" The mosaic is located above the atrium door. Inside the Chapel there is a second image of a beardless Christ about which the following commentary was written:

Christ Militant Head

"The doctrinal programme is as follows: portray Christ as eternally young, meaning against the Arian creed, because He is not dependent on time but stands outside time; He was not created in time, as the Arians maintained; his is the eternity of God. The image then, as regards the face, is identical with that of Christ the Soldier which Bishop Pietro II, who commissioned the Archiepiscopal Chapel, placed on the atrium door: Christ stamping out the wild beasts of the Arian heresy. This persistent doctrine must be viewed in relation to the Arian Ostrogoths' domination of Ravenna. For the same religious motives Maximianus was to avail himself of this explicit image of Christ and have it placed at the centre of the apse in S. Vitalee "